These functions provide access to analog pins.
Analog Write
This feature uses software-generated PWM to control the "Analog" level of a pin. It has a fixed frequency of 50Hz.
Analog.Write( pin, dutyCycle)
pin: Pin number
dutyCycle: 0 to 100
This example code will swing the analog output value up and down in a loop.
while True:
for i in range(0, 100, 10):
duelink.Analog.Write('L', i)
for i in range(90, -1, -10):
duelink.Analog.Write('L', i)
This feature works on all pins.
Analog Read
Use this function to read the analog level on a specific pin.
pin: Pin number
Returns: The analog value (0-100) of the pin
This is an example code to read the analog level on pin 0 and print out to the console 10 times per second.
while True:
x = duelink.Analog.Read(0)
Some pins may not support analog read. Check the hardware page for a list of supported pins.