Table of Contents


  • Neo.Clear() - Clears all LEDs (in memory). Needs Neo.Show() to see the affect

  • Neo.SetColor(int index, uint color) - Sets a specific LED to a color. Needs Neo.Show() to see affect
    index: The LED index where 0 is first one and supporting up to 1024 LEDs
    color: Color levels, 32 bit format

  • Neo.SetRGB(int index, byte red, byte green, byte blue) - Sets a specific LED to a color. Needs Neo.Show() to see affect
    index: The LED index where 0 is first one and supporting up to 1024 LEDs
    red, green, blue: Color levels, 0 to 255

  • Neo.SetMultiple(int pin, uint[] color) - Sets multiple leds with color array. No need Neo.Show() to see affect
    pin: Pin connected to NeoPixel
    color: Array of color levels, 32 bit format

  • NeoShow(pin, count) - All NeoPixel code is held internally until show is called
    pin: Pin connected to NeoPixel
    count: The count of LEDs to update and show

duelink.Neo.Clear() # Clear
duelink.Neo.SetColor(0, 0xFFFFFF)# Set first led to white
duelink.Neo.Show(6, 1) # show first led on pin 6

duelink.Neo.SetRGB(1,0xFF,0x00,0x00) # Set second led to red
duelink.Neo.Show(6, 2)# show first 2 leds on pin 6

#set first three leds to red, green, blue. SetMultiple call show internally, no need to call show
duelink.Neo.SetMultiple(6, [0xff0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF])