Table of Contents

Internal Engine

DUELink internal engine is a runtime that interprets and runs DUELink Scripts. These scripts are remotely sent and executed by the connected host. For example, when calling duelink.Digital.Write(0, true) in Python, the API will end up sending DWrite(0,1) to the engine.


The documentation of DUELink's internal engine and DUELink scripts are furnished for advanced user looking to expand the system's functionality.

It is possible to record scripts that persist on a DUELink Motherboard. This can be used for two purposes. First, to expand available the functionality and define new commands. This is helpful in real-time applications or to speed things up, where calling this custom method from the host machine will process multiple tasks internally. The second purpose is to allow a DUELink Motherboard to run stand alone to handle small stand alone tasks that does not require high level language such as Python.


Function Description
ARead(pin) pin: pin number - Returns: 0 to 100
AWrite(pin, dutyCycle) pin: pin number - dutyCycle: 0 to 100


Function Description
Beep(pin, frequency, duration) pin: pin number or 'p' - frequency: Hz max 10KHz - duration: milliseconds


Function Description
BtnEnable(pin, enable) pin: pin number, 'a' or 'b' - enable: 1 = enable 0 = disabled
BtnUp(pin) pin: pin number, 'a' or 'b' - Returns: 1 after first time called. 0 if called again
BtnDown(pin) pin: pin number, 'a' or 'b' - Returns: 1 if button is pressed


Function Description
Cos(number) Returns: cosine of its argument


Function Description
DRead(pin, pull) pin: pin number - pull: 0 = none, 1 = up, 2 = down - Returns: 1 = high or 0 = low
DWrite(pin, state) pin: pin number - state: 1 = high or 0 = low


Echoes back what is received useful when using a terminal program

Function Description
Echo(state) state: 0 = enable or 1 = disable


Function Description
Fmt() Formats multiple arguments into a single string


Function Description
Freq(pin, frequency, duration, dutyCycle) pin: pin number - frequency: in KHz - duration: 0 to forever - dutyCycle: 0 to 100

Get Character

Function Description
GetCh() Returns: character input in ASCII format, -1 = no character

Get Number

Function Description
GetNum() Reads number input, can be used with IsNAN()


Function Description
Humidity(pin, type) pin: pin number - type: DHT11 = 11, DHT12 = 12, DHT22 = 22, DHT21 = 21 - Returns: Humidity 0 to 100


Function Description
I2cBytes(address, arrayWrite, writeCount, arrayRead, readCount) address: I2C slave address - arrayWrite: array to send, writeCount: number of bytes to write, arrayRead: array to read,readCount: Number bytes to read


Function Description
IrEnable(pin,enable) pin: on supported pins enable: 1 = enable or 0 = disable
IrRead() Returns: key press value 0 to 24

LCD Drawing

Function Description
LcdClear(color) color: 0 = black 1= white or any color value
LcdCircle(color, x, y, radius) color: 0 = black or 1 = white - x: x circle center value - y: y circle center - radius: radius of circle
LcdConfig(output, address) output: 0 = none, 1 = console, 2 = LCD and console - address: I2C address, 0 = default BrainPad Pulse
LcdFill(color, x, y, width, height) color: 0 = black or 1 = white - x: starting x point - y: starting y point - width: rectangle width - height: rectangle height
LcdImg(array, x, y, transform) array: image array - x: x position - y: y position - transform: 0 = none, 1 = flip horz, 2 = flip vert, 3 = 90 deg, 4 = 180 deg, 5 = 270 deg
LcdImgS(array, x, y, transform, scaleWidth, scaleHeight) same as LcdImg() adds scaleWidth and scaleHeight
LcdLine(color, x1, y1, x2, y2) color: 0 = black or 1 = white or any color value- x1: starting x point - y1: starting y point - x2: ending x point - y2: ending y point
LcdPixel(color, x, y) color: 0 = black or 1 = white - x: x pixel value - y: y pixel value
LcdRect(color, x, y, width, height) color: 0 = black or 1 = white or any color value- x: starting x point - y: starting y point - width: rectangle width - height: rectangle height
LcdText("text", color, x, y) text: string message in quotes, use Str() to convert variable - color: 0 = black or 1 = white - x: x position - y: y position
LcdTextT("text", color, x, y) displays tiny 5px text: , use Str() to convert variable - color: 0 = black or 1 = white - x: x position - y: y position
LcdTextS("text", color, x, y, scaleWidth, scaleHeight) same as LcdText() adds scaleWidth and scaleHeight
LcdShow() sends the display buffer to the LCD
LcdClear(color) color: 0 = black 1= white or any color value


Function Description
Log() sends content to the output on the same line
LogLn() sends content to the output on a new line

LED On-board

Function Description
LED(high, low, count) high: duration on in milliseconds, low: duration off in milliseconds, count: number of times to blink


Function Description
NeoClear() clears all LEDS in memory needs NeoShow()
NeoSet(index, red, green, blue) index: led from 0 to 255, red, green, blue: color levels 0 to 255
NeoShow(pin, count) pin: pin number - count: number of LEDs to update


Function Description
Print("text" or variable) returns the value of it's argument
PrintLn("text" or variable) returns the value of it's argument with line breaks

Distance Sensor

Function Description
ReadDistance(trigger, echo) trigger: pin number of trigger - echo: pin number of echo, -1 for single pin - Returns: distance in centimeters


Function Description
Reset(loader) loader: 0 = system reset, 1 = reset to loader mode

Random Numbers

Function Description
Rnd(max) max: maximum value of random number - Returns: random number between 0 and max

Servo Motors

Function Description
ServoSet(pin, degree) pin: pin number - degree: 0 to 180

Servo Motors

Function Description
Sin(number) Returns the sine value of its argument


Function Description
Sin(number) Returns the sine value of its argument


Function Description
SpiByte(byte) byte: 0 to 255 - Returns: Read byte value
SpiCfg(mode, frequency) mode: 0 to 3 - frequency: 200 to 20000 (200KHz to 20MHz)

Square Root

Function Description
Sqrt(number) Returns the square root value of it's argument

String Numbers

Function Description
Str(number) Returns number as string when need in arguments


Function Description
Tan(number) Returns the tangent of it's argument


Function Description
Temp(pin, type) pin: pin number - type: DHT11 = 11, DHT12 = 12, DHT22 = 22, DHT21 = 21 - **Returns: Temperature in Celsius


Function Description
TickMs() Read system ticks in milliseconds
TickUs() Read system ticks in microseconds


Function Description
TouchRead(pin) pin: pin number, 'x' or 'y' - Returns: 0 = pin not touched or pin 1 = touched - Touch Screen Returns: -1 = not touched or x and y position


Function Description
Trunc(number) Returns the truncated value of it's argument


Function Description
Version Returns firmware and device versions


Function Description
Wait(duration) duration: in milliseconds